Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The soup turned out pretty good! It was missing... something... Maybe meat ;) And yes, I just simmered all the ingredients in a big pot of water.

Day 2 is usually the hardest, and tonight's definitely been tough! I find that after a cheat meal, I CRAVE my meat and salad for lunch the next day. But I haven't been able to have it yet :( That's what I want the most! Not sugar, not carbs, but a chicken breast and big salad with honey mustard dressing... Guess I know what's for lunch Friday! I ate a bowl of soup before church, and 2 more after we got home. I still feel hungry though. I think my body's just reacting to the lack of protein.

Tonight's been tough too because Ethan is misbehaving so much. Well, misbehaving some, but getting frustrated and upset easily. He's especially getting frustrated and upset over the consequences of his misbehavior ;) He lost his temper before church and after about 15 minutes of not being able to calm himself, I restrained him on my lap for a while before he was able to calm down and cuddled into me...

One more day of eating like this, then I flush, then at noon Friday I can go back to eating normal. My "new" normal, but that's not so bad :)

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