Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 4 - Late Morning

The night went okay. Didn't get to sleep till 2am because that's when Ethan went to sleep. He had had a VERY late nap and wasn't tired. Then Gabriel was up every couple hours to eat. I had some heartburn but not too bad. TMI I kept burping and it was just air but it tasted like the concoction. Blech!

The boys and I woke up about 1030am. I was dreaming about 2 things mainly - being invited to my grandma's for dinner, and fried food. (And no, Yvette, I hadn't read your latest blog at this point - Weird!) But after I woke up the thought of fried food was disgusting so that's a good thing :-)

As for how I'm feeling physically, I'm doing okay! I feel run down - partially from barely eating anything the past few days, partially from not enough sleep last night, partially from not taking my supplements but once or twice in the 3 days. I kept forgetting! The heartburn and nausea is gone :-) I'm a little hungry. Definitely thirsty. I'm not a person who's ever been big on sweet drinks all the time so I'm looking forward to just drinking water again! The overwhelming physical feeling right now is just the exhaustion...

Emotionally/spiritually I have mixed reactions right now. I feel a sense of accomplishment :-) I feel good for persevering and doing something beneficial to my health. Ever since Gabriel's birth I've known I needed to do a flush, so it's been hanging over me. It was a tough 3 days. It took a lot of prayer and reliance on God! I feel emotionally spent right now. Part of that is from the physical exhaustion, I know. But if you're never done something like this, you don't understand that the physical aspects of denying your body are hard, but the emotional and spiritual aspects are the toughest! That is where the REAL battle is fought. As it is on a daily basis...

I can eat shortly. Yay!!! I'll be headed to my natural health place later to get started back on all my usual supplements. That'll be nice :-)

One thing to do then LUNCH! Salad and chicken!!!


  1. I am excited for you in that you finally get to eat! I cannot imagine doing that kind of flush. It sounds awful! So ya laughed at my french fry demons, aye? LOL! I did just that, too... pictured a demon on every fry laughing at me. LOL! I don't have the option of cheating at this point so I have to be creative. And even if I wanted to cheat God won't let me. Conviction comes immediately when I even contemplate the thought, which is a good thing. Keep pushing forward! Love you!

  2. Ok... I have to laugh... you know how you have to type in those letters before a comment post will go through here? Well... the letters I had to type were "undeli"! LOL! UN - DELI.. too funny!
