Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How to Do the Liver/Gallbladder Flush

Day 1-3: Eat nothing but fruits and veggies - unlimited amount. They can be cooked and/or seasoned, but ZERO fat! No starchy veggies eg sweet potatoes, corn. I usually make a veggie soup Day 2 with organic vegetable broth as a base.

Each day, drink 1/2 gallon unfiltered apple juice/cider. Fresh squeezed is best. If you buy it, make sure you can see the pulp that settles to the bottom of the jug so you know it's unfiltered. You can also drink water, tea, or other juices. But make sure to drink all your apple juice! The apple juice breaks down the gallstones/liver stones so they will be easier to pass and don't get stuck.

Night of Day 3: This is when you do the actual flush. Get ready for bed. Just before bed, mix together 4 oz FRESH SQUEEZED lemon juice and 4 oz extra virgin olive oil. Drink. Get it down within a minute or two. IMMEDIATELY lie on your right side in bed. You can chase it with just a sip or two of Sprite. Make sure the mixture stays down at least 1 hour! You can take some ginger about 30 minutes before you drink the nasty-tasting stuff to help the nausea. A heating pad on your liver and gallbladder area may also help. I keep something to throw up in by the bed just in case. Lay on your right side at least 1 hour.

Sometime during the night or the next day you will pass the crushed stones. Plan on staying home Day 4 ;-) I've never had explosive bowel movements from the flush but some people do. You can drink another 8 oz apple juice the morning of Day 4 as a natural laxative.

The first couple times I flushed I did see some stones - you may or may not. You can start back on a normal diet on Day 4, but eat lowfat and foods that are fairly easy to digest until your body can handle heavier foods again.

I mentioned in my first post on this blog that January 2009 I successfully flushed a stone that was stuck. I started with an attack but was not in terrible pain. I thought at first it might just be spasms but at some point I realized I could actually feel a stone. I prayed for wisdom about how to handle it, as I do every time I have an attack. I began a flush. At the end of Day 1 the constant pain was really wearing me down! I kept praying for wisdom. I woke up Day 2 and felt a very strong leading to ingest nothing but apple juice all day and flush that night. I listened to what God was advising. And He was right on - imagine that LOL After I had drunk most of my 64 oz apple juice that day, I noticed the pain had lessened considerably. Before long I was just left with some lingering soreness. I knew the stone had become dislodged. Later that night I felt like I needed to have a bowel movement. When I looked in the toilet, there were what looked like a lot of grains of sand. This is precisely the form I had been told a crushed stone may take! The sudden decrease in pain, the "grains of sand"... There is no doubt what happened in my body! And yes, I did do the evoo/lemon juice that night still. I didn't see any more stones come out the next day but I wasn't exactly looking too hard either ;-)

I usually flush about 3 times a year but couldn't while pregnant. So this is my first one in over a year...

ETA: You can do a 2-day flush. Do it the same way except do the actual flush on night #2. It's not quite as effective but still works well!

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