Friday, March 5, 2010


"And so what we have learned applies to our lives today,
and God has a lot to say in His Book.
You see, we know that God's Word is for everyone;
and now that our song is done, we'll take a look." Veggie Tales

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

This is the verse on my heart today. What did God teach me through my gallbladder attack? That my favorite foods just don't taste as good anymore. That MSG and other chemicals in foods are a big problem for me. To make wise choices when I eat out. That there are consequences to eating the wrong foods - both immediate and long-term. That my gallbladder needs time to heal. That special occasions do not negate these facts ;-)

Did these lessons sink in? Only time will tell...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! The lessons will sink in as you yield more and more to God and understand that God doesn't want us to abuse our bodies. This has to become a real, sincere conviction to the point of obedience. And when you are armed with the power of the Holy Spirit and His Word, then the next time you have to make a choice to eat Mexican or not, it will be much easier to make the right decision. Who knows... in time you may be able to eat Mexican or some of your other favorite foods. That's how I feel about myself. God may tell me no at this time due to health issues. But in time I think I may have more freedom to eat other foods. But first I have to learn self-control so that I don't abuse my body anymore. In other words, I must get my spiritual life in order in this area so the physical can be taken care of as well. You are doing well. Keep up the good work and keep leaning on Him!
