Sunday, May 23, 2010


I'm getting discouraged about this plateau... The number on the scale hasn't moved in 3 months, except for one day (and I have no clue why that is!). This new way of eating isn't about weight loss, but I expected to lose more by now. I really wonder if it's from all the stress I've been under...

Breakfast - 1/2 cup coffee w/usual, banana later, 1/2 banana later
Lunch - crockpot chicken breast in salad (1/2 Romaine, 1/2 spring mix) w/honey mustard
Supper - smorgasbord (little of everything leftover in the fridge) - some fries w/ketchup, black bean pasta, garlic bread, battered mushrooms. Brownie

Nothing at supper tasted real good except the brownie ;-)

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