Thursday, April 1, 2010

Neti Pot

I started using a Neti Pot right before I got the flu last October. But when I started using the Neil Med brand packets, I noticed a difference! They're awesome! Don't burn like water or other packets I've tried. They work better too!

So what made me want to blog about my neti pot tonight? Simple. I truly believe I would have a cold and/or sinus infection right now if I wasn't using it. I started to get a little stuffy the end of last week. I mostly noticed it when I'd wake up during the night to feed Gabriel. I always use my neti pot about 1/2 hour before bed and it was unusual that I was stuffy and sneezy.

Well... A few days ago I rinsed as usual and flushed green mucus out of my sinuses! Not a lot, but it was obviously there. At that point I realized that I was fighting a cold and this is where my stuffiness and sneezing was coming from :-( I started flushing twice a day in addition to taking my normal supplements. I noticed more green mucus for a few days. One morning when I blew my nose before flushing, it was thick and yellow-green. But I didn't have hardly any symptoms! My nose ran maybe two or three times a day. I still was a little stuffy and sneezy when I woke up during the night.

But after a couple days, the mucus I flushed was less green and more clear. Tonight there was very little green in it at all. And I wasn't stuffy and sneezy when I woke up last night. So I think I successfully fought this cold with no meds! :-)

I truly believe that if I had not been using my neti pot every night regularly and every morning when I first noticed symptoms, I would have developed a full-on yucky cold. What I flushed was definitely not normal! Not in color, not in amount. It's consistent with what I blow into a Kleenex when I'm sick. But it never got that far!

I am really excited about this success!

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