Friday, April 2, 2010

Food for Today and Prep for Tomorrow

The past couple weeks have been crazy and my eating has been mostly good but I haven't been perfect. Part of the reason I started this blog was to keep myself accountable and I've gotten away from that lately...

So here's what I ate today:

Breakfast - banana
Lunch - aromatic chicken breasts, Romaine with honey mustard dressing
Supper - chili "burger" on whole wheat bun with mayo, half a large potato with salt, pepper, and a little butter, leftover broccoli and carrots

I also ate the other half of a dessert from Chili's about an hour before supper. And a cupcake after supper. Should've done one or the other probably but I started getting weak before supper and it sounded good. I can also blame PMS :-P

In addition to cooking the chili burgers, I also prepped the lentil soup for tomorrow (just have to throw it all into a pot of boiling water), and got lunch ready for tomorrow. I cut a rump roast into large pieces and put it in the crockpot with a carton of beef stock and a few handfuls of split garlic cloves. I also made some mock mashed potatoes. Last time I used turnips. They came out okay but I had hoped for a milder taste. This time I used fresh cauliflower. Even Jesse likes it! Definitely a keeper!

1 comment:

  1. The mock potato salad with cauliflower is good! Fooled my kids with it! LOL!
