Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Today's Meals, and Some Encouragement

Breakfast - banana
Lunch - chicken, salad
Supper - cornbread, lentil soup, cupcake
Midnight snack - banana

I had to eat supper at 5 tonight and didn't get home till 11:30 so I was hungry!

It's so awesome when God really speaks to you :-) I was walking out the door to go to bible study tonight and God told me that a certain friend was outside and I needed to talk to her. I walked outside to my car, started it, and saw her coming around the corner :-) I'm so glad I stopped to talk to her! She really encouraged me and I needed that today!

Bible study was good. Hopefully what I shared was an encouragement to someone there! And a friend encouraged me afterward as well :-)

After bible study I met with my mom's night out group. We get together once a month, and I hadn't seen any of them since we met a month ago. They said I looked thinner! I told them the scale had not moved but they assured me that I had definitely lost more since they had seen me last :-) Considering the scale has not moved in a month, this was definitely encouraging!!!

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