Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stupid Doritos

I started with an MSG reaction last night and it hit full force this morning. While I was wearing Gabriel in the Moby Wrap grocery shopping at Walmart... Ugh. I felt like my stomach would handle carbs better at lunch after it being upset (instead of protein which is harder to digest) so I switched my meals. I did fine with the carb meal at lunch and so far so good with supper :)

Breakfast - apple
Lunch - McDonald's fries; leftover peas w/butter; double chocolate muffin
Supper - 93/7 ground beef (Greek-seasoned) cooked w/onion; roasted butternut squash; Ghirardelli square

Tonight was the first time I've eaten or cooked a roasted butternut. I've had them cooked other ways, but OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! It was soooo good! I told Jesse I hope he liked it because I AM going to start cooking it that way more :)

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