Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Busy Day with a Couple Surprises!

Today was the day we've had planned to work on some major cleaning/organizing projects around the house. One of the teens from church came from 9am to 5pm to watch the boys so we could work. And the friend I ran into before bible study last night came to help! She had offered to let us borrow some plastic bins she wasn't using. But instead of just dropping them off and going home, she stayed the whole day! She helped me sort through some stuff, and mopped the floor when we were done. How awesome!

My mom called a few hours into the workday to tell me that my uncle and cousin were unexpectedly passing through town and were on their to her house! She asked if they could stop by and see us. Of course I said YES! It had been years since I had seen them... I asked my mom to please explain that we were in the midst of major cleaning and organizing and that the house was a wreck! They came by and stayed for about 1/2 hour. It was so nice to see them :-D

We got almost everything accomplished I wanted to. We needed to get the birdseed vacuumed up but the vacuum quit working :-( There's something stuck in it. I tried a little while to get whatever unstuck but couldn't. So that will have to wait for another day. Hopefully tomorrow...

So with such a busy day, how did I do with food? Well, I started the day sipping a cup of coffee. I was waiting 1/2 hour after finishing my cup to eat breakfast but by the time I finished, it was almost lunch! So coffee was "breakfast." Here's the rest of the day -

Lunch - chicken breast (crockpot), salad
Supper - leftover chili burger on whole wheat bun with mayo and mustard, baked potato with salt, pepper, and ketchup, cupcake

I didn't get enough sleep and worked with few breaks so I'm pooped! It's so nice to have the one big project done :-) I feel such a sense of accomplishment!

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